Sad News – Eva Bashy z’l

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of Eva Bashy (Eva bat Lulu z”l), mother of Rita Bashy, on Sunday, September 8, 2024.
We send our heartfelt condolences to daughter Rita, and to nephew Ruben Cohen and niece Jasmine Cohen.
Eva’s sister and brother-in-law, Charlotte z”l and Meir z”l Cohen were long time members and early pioneers of Beth Hamidrash synagogue.
The funeral will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 1:00 pm at Schara Tzedeck Cemetery, 2345 Marine Drive, New Westminster (map).
There will be one Shiva service held at Rita’s home in Vancouver on Tuesday, September 10, at 7:15 pm.
The Bashy and Cohen Families would deeply appreciate any assistance with ensuring a minyan for graveside services at the funeral and for prayers during Shiva.
May her memory be for a blessing.
B’smachot, may we only share B’sorot Tovot.
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Sad News – Eva Bashy z’l
