Sad News – Edward Susser z’l‏

Ros Kunin has lost her beloved father Edward Susser, Eli ben Yakov haLevi v’Bessie. On September the 27th Edward would have been 100 years Old. May his memory be for a blessing – Yehe zichro baruch.
Ros and her husband Jack will be traveling to Ottawa for a funeral on Tuesday, and they will commence their mourning there.
Edward will be missed here in Vancouver as well mourned by family in Montreal, Ottawa, California, and Hong Kong.
After Ros and Jack’s return to Vancouver, we will announce a Shloshim, at which time we will be able to congregate as a community to surround Ros with our love and witness her kaddish.
Hamakom yenachem etchem b’toch shaar avlei Tzion v’Yerushalayim – may our mourners be comforted together with the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

1 Comment

  1. Our deepest condolences to Ros, Jack and family. From what I heard, Eddie Susser was an amazing man! May his soul rest in peace.

    With warm wishes from Gisèle Yasmeen, Ishkandar Ahmed and Marcel Ahmed