Move your chair and expand possibilities! – Debbie Havusha’s Blog

Move your chair and expand possibilities!

I recently decided to move my bedroom to a new location in the house. After our adult children came and went during the holiday season, I saw the possibilities of being upstairs and to face the mountains.

I began the move by schlepping our bed upstairs with 2 gracious helpers. I hung my favorite pictures of hand painted pomegranates from Tzfat Israel, along with some of our kids’ art. Most importantly, I put a lovely red armchair from an adjacent room to the perfect writing corner with a view. Eventually, every thing found a new place in my new locale.

And guess what? Next week my ‘Yours in MOMentum’ blog will be moving to a new location as well. It will be located in a bigger space on the new website. There will be more room to keep connected with readers and to engage new potential writers onto our online community.

Stay tuned next week as we launch our new website February 15th, 2015.  We will have a section inviting community members to submit blogs and stories.

In the meantime, get your chair in position, and think expansively of some written possibilities!

Yours in MOMentum,

Debbie Havusha

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